Hazardous Cargo...Anywhere
GTS is a company comfortable with the unusual. We have a history of embracing unique challenges that few providers want to accept. Dangerous Goods (HAZMAT) is one arena where GTS customer performance thrives. With our HAZMAT compliance program, expert knowledge, and customer focused approach, GTS transports all types of hazardous cargos between anywhere on the globe.
GTS is well versed in handling HAZMAT cargoes including but not limited to:
Lithium batteries
GTS continually remains current with the rapidly changing regulations governing the safe transport of lithium-ion / metal batteries. As lithium batteries become more prevalent, this knowledge helps ensure our customer’s shipping needs are met without fail.Explosives; Class 1 / IATA Forbidden
GTS has a long history and expertise managing Class 1 Materiel (explosives). From small arms and non-lethal ammunition, to explosives and military ordinance that is “Forbidden” for commercial transport by air.